Internal Medicine Resident Shares Highlights From Advancements in Oncology Event

By Talha Ugurlu, MD, Cecilia Brown - Last Updated: June 7, 2024

Talha Ugurlu, MD, a PGY2 resident in internal medicine at the Carney Hospital, which is affiliated with Tufts University, speaks about his experience attending The Oncology Brothers Advancements in Oncology event during the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting.


“I’m particularly interested in [genitourinary] cancer and lung cancer,” he said. “I learned a lot from The Oncology Brothers tonight.”

The event, held on Saturday, June 1, was moderated by The Oncology Brothers, Rahul Gosain, MD, MBA, and Rohit Gosain, MD, who hosted expert panelists on lung, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and breast cancers. The event aimed to provide key updates from the annual meeting across disease states for community oncologists.

For Dr. Ugurlu, a first-time attendee of the annual meeting, the event was a great way to navigate and process the sheer volume of data.

“It was very informative and then very easy to digest the huge amount of data produced over the years,” he said.

The event was an inspiring experience, Dr. Ugurlu said, noting that he was glad to hear which studies and topics the expert panelists were excited about.

“I get excited seeing people who are enthusiastic in the field…I’m very happy to be here tonight with the people at the Oncology Brothers event.”
